Celebrating Mother’s Day

The industrial educational pedagogical practice for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology is coming to an end. On May 7, student-intern Oleksandra Semenyuk with students of the 11th grade of Kostylivsk school of I-III degrees held a vocational guidance and educational event dedicated to Mother’s Day.

“In Ukraine, Mother’s Day does not have a fixed date, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, which coincided with the end of industrial educational pedagogical practice. In the life of every person plays a huge role mother – our support. On this day it is customary to greet all mothers, regardless of age, to thank them for their motherly work. Interestingly, Mother’s Day is celebrated not only at the state level, but also at the religious level. Probably, May was chosen for this holiday not by chance – it is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to which Ukrainian Cossacks and princes turned for help and protection”, says the bachelor.

The graduates were happy to acquaint everyone with the history of the holiday and tell how Mother’s Day is celebrated in Ukraine, Canada, China, Japan, Italy and Germany. They clearly read poems about their mother, fondly showed photos with their mothers. The event was attended by the director of our Institute Valentyna Greshchuk, who very interestingly and in detail told eleventh-graders about studying at the Faculty of Philology, gave good advice on choosing a future profession, and noted the high level of the event and praised students for appreciating the most precious things. life in everyone – a mother. The meeting was held in a good and friendly atmosphere.
