Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk

On the occasion of the anniversary of Vasyl Semenovych Stefanyk, under the leadership of the director of our Institute, a number of vocational guidance and educational events were held in educational institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia and Ternopil regions, as well as in lyceums of Ivano-Frankivsk. In particular, student Lidia Popych met with students of her native Vytvytsia Lyceum, talking about the benefits of studying at the Faculty of Philology and focusing on an important date: the 150th anniversary of the birth of the patron of our university. Students enthusiastically listened to interesting facts from the life and work of the writer and willingly looked at the wall newspaper created by the philologist himself. Student Mariana Striletska organized similar work with graduates of Lyceum №15. The participants of the event recalled the life and creative path of the master of the expressionist short story, solved the crossword puzzle, recited excerpts from the “Fireplace Cross”.

Bachelors Tetyana Slobodyan and Yevheniya Paliychuk prepared a video based on the work of Vasyl Stefanyk.

“Short. Strong. Scary. But also the sensual and to the deepest strings of the soul touch Vasyl Stefanyk’s short stories.” Ambitions “is one of the works that especially responded to us. Words that become a guide for everyone. It would seem that the conversation is ordinary the process of communication, but how much depends on the tone, timbre, words that you choose, “- says Eugene.

You can watch the video by link:


The director of our Institute Valentyna Greshchuk took part in the International Scientific Congress “Vasyl Stefanyk and World Culture”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the writer, speaking in the VI discussion panel “Linguistic features of the artistic world of Vasyl Stefanyk” with a report on “Literary language and dialect: the ratio of form”.