Establishing relations with entrants

Recently, students continued studying process in our university. Today, January 24, Yaryna Oshytko under the leadership of the director of our Institute, held a meeting with high school students of the Konyushky Gymnasium of the Rohatyn City Council of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

The bachelor told future entrants about the benefits of studying at the Faculty of Philology, outlined all the prospects provided by the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, and shared her own experience of studying at the university. The director of our Institute also liked to talk to high school students, emphasizing that the future choice must be made carefully and thoughtfully. “The Faculty of Philology has all the opportunities for quality education, as well as for great leisure. Here you can develop and implement a variety of creative ideas,” – said Valentyna Greshchuk. The event was attended by the class teacher, who along with the students thanked our bachelor and the principal for the warm atmosphere of the meeting.

We hope that the philological family will be replenished with high school students from the village of Konyushky, Rohatyn district.