On May 16, 2024, the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ukraine is My Vyshyvana: Ethnocultural and Educational Potential of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka”, dedicated to the World Vyshyvanka Day, began its work. The organizers of the conference were: National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Pedagogy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, Izmail State Humanitarian University, Poltava National Pedagogical University University named after Volodymyr Korolenko, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Pedagogical University named after Ivan Ohienko, Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich, Drohobytskyi Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, World Coordinating Educational Council of the World Congress of Ukrainians, Kyiv Capital University named after Boris Grinchenko, Association of Scientific -research, educational and methodical laboratories of pedagogical institutions of higher education of Ukraine.

The official opening of the conference took place on May 16. The moderator was Nataliya Ivanivna Bohdanets-Biloskalenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Teaching Languages of National Minorities and Foreign Literature of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, expert of the Council of Europe. Congratulatory speeches were made by: Vasyl Hryhorovych Kremen – president of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of philosophy, professor; Fedorov Ivan – Serhiyovych, head of the Zaporizhia Regional Military Administration, Ukrainian politician, public figure; Kondur Zola – project manager of the Council of Europe and others. There were also artistic congratulations: Viktor Teterya – People’s Artist of Ukraine, Nataliya Shevchenko – laureate of international and all-Ukrainian song contests, winner of the Grand Prix of the “Halytsky Shlyager” and “New Names of Ukraine” festivals, winner of the “Golden Flower” order, Olesya Kichuk – winner of international and all-Ukrainian song contests, laureate of the Chervona Ruta festival and others. After the opening of the conference, a presentation of shirts from different regions of Ukraine from the collection of the Museum of Folk Life took place in the meeting hall of the national cultural and museum complex “Mystetskyi Arsenal” (Kyiv) and the exhibition “Dolls in folk clothes” by Tamara Proshkuratova, associate professor of Kyiv Capital University named after Boris Grinchenko. The organizer of these events was the director of the Museum of Folk Life of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko – Ulyanich Halyna Ivanivna.

On the same day, the plenary session of the conference began. Oleg Mykhailovych Topuzov – vice-president of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor – gave an opening speech. At the meeting, relevant reports were presented, the topics of which are dedicated to the Day of Vyshyvanka: “The affirmation of Ukrainian identity and its symbols is an important component of cultural diplomacy” (Kolesnichenko-Bratun N.R.), “Embroidered shirt of Ukrainians: refutation of some fakes through an excursion into written references ( Balushok V. G.), “Value-ethical attitude: method of implementation (during the study of the poem “Vysyvanka” by Dmytro Kremen)” (Shulyar V. I.), “National and patriotic education of youth in the war and post-war periods” (Hudz V. . V.), “Return” of Borys Grinchenko’s embroidery and the potential of other Grinchenko studies projects” (Stambol I.), “Clothes of Ukrainians through the prism of national traditions” (Bohdanets-Biloskalenko N. I.), “Ethnocultural competence of future teachers as a factor development of professionalism” (Lesina T. M.) and others.

On May 17, the work of the conference continued at the plenary session and in six sections: section 1 – Ukrainian embroidery: history, symbolism and regional features (head of the section: Chervinska I.B.); section 2 – Socio-cultural dimensions of Ukrainian national symbols in wartime conditions (head of the section: O. Mondych); section 3 – Formation of ethnocultural competence of education seekers (head of the section: Bakhmat N.); section 4 – Embroidered shirt – a symbol of the affirmation of Ukrainianness in the world (section head: S. Romanyuk), SECTION 5 – Patriotic education by means of folk art in an adaptive educational space (section head: Fediy O.); section 6 – National-patriotic component in the content of the training of a future teacher of the New Ukrainian School (leader: Bohdanets-Biloskalenko N). In the section “Formation of Ethnocultural Competence of Education Seekers” with the report “Formation of Ethnocultural Competence of Education Seekers by Means of Poetic Text” the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language Greshchuk Valentina Vasylivna spoke, who emphasized the importance of the formation of ethnocultural competence of education seekers in today’s conditions, having demonstrated it on the material of his poems about embroidery with z