On May 22, 2024, the final meeting was held at the Faculty of Philology based on the results of the educational and educational pedagogical practice of students of the third year of the majors 014. Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) and 035 Philology (Ukrainian Language and Literature) of full-time education, which was organized by the director of educational of the Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language Greshchuk Valentyna Vasylivna

At the final meeting, the faculty head of practice Valentina Greshchuk, dean of the Faculty of Philology, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature Holod Roman Bogdanovych and deputy dean, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Slavic Languages Lazarovych Olha Mykolaivna addressed the students with welcoming words. The students, in turn, reported on the work done, supplementing their reports with vivid impressions of the educational process, shared the creative approach and interactive methods used in the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literature, as well as the experience of overcoming difficulties that arose during practice.

The debriefing meeting on the results of the educational and educational pedagogical practice for correspondence students took place the next day, May 23, in online format. Valentina Vasylivna, head of practice Greshchuk, and specialist methodologist, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Department of Ukrainian language Greshchuk Vasyl Vasyliovych addressed the interns with a welcome speech. The students reported on the lessons and career orientation work with students of grades 9-11, on the preparation and organization of educational and extracurricular activities, etc.

For students of full-time and part-time forms of education, the production educational and educational pedagogical practice was successful, productive and interesting, as evidenced by the posts published by students on social networks:

Educational practice gave each of us confidence in the right choice of profession and own abilities, proved the need for constant self-improvement in the pedagogical field and expansion of one’s erudition

  Nadiya Terninchuk, student of UMLso-31 group

We received a lot of positive emotions and impressions during the internship. We gained invaluable experience, learned to communicate with students, find an approach to them, be leaders and authorities. After all, they learned to be teachers.

Angelina Tverdokhlib, student of the Uzso-31 group