On May 29, 2024, the regional pedagogical scientific-practical conference “Ukrainian studies and ethnopedagogy: origins, formation and development of schooling in the territories of Prykarpattia” was held, organized by the laboratory of pedagogical experience and ethnopedagogy of Ivano-Frankivsk OIPPO in partnership with the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Vasyl Prykarpattia National University Stefanyk National University of Ukraine: department of Ukrainian philology and cultural heritage, Department of Ethnology and History of Ukraine: Department of Elementary Education, Department of Preschool Education Faculty of Pedagogy; Kolomyia University of Education; Ivano-Frankivsk Youth Academy of Vocational and General Education. Thematic directions of the conference: achievements of Ukrainian ethnopedagogy: experience for the New Ukrainian School; modern Ukrainian studies in the context of the variability of the educational environment; figures of Ukrainian studies and ethnopedagogy, their contribution to the development of pedagogical science. Jubilee silhouettes of scientists and teachers; modern school museum as a socio-cultural and scientific-educational space.

The Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language Greshchuk Valentina Vasylivna addressed the participants of the conference with a welcome speech, noting that in such a difficult time of war, the struggle of each of us in the field of education is extremely important the front Olga Dmytrivna Barabash – vice-rector for scientific work of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor and Dodonov Roman Oleksandrovych – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Kyiv National University addressed the conference participants with wishes for fruitful work named after Taras Shevchenko.

At the plenary session, the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies – Valentina Vasylivna Hreshchuk presented her report “Patriotic education of youth on poetic texts about the war”, demonstrating the formation of national and patriotic competences in the young generation through her poetry. Leading specialists of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies also took part in the conference: Oleksandra Kuzyshyn delivered a report “Ukrainian Studies Aspects and Pedagogical Potential of Stepan Pushyk’s Scientific Assets”, and Solomiya Rybchak gave a report “Ukrainian Studies and Ethnopedagogy as Components of National Patriotic Education at the NUS”. The leading specialists of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies not only had the opportunity to publicize their research, but also worked on creating a mock-up of the certificate that all conference participants will receive.

Other participants of the conference also shared their achievements: Chervinska Inna Bohdanivna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Head of the creative educational and scientific laboratory “Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians” of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University (“Ukrainian ethnopedagogy of Myroslav Stelmakhovich in the context of the realities of the socio-cultural space on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Myroslav Stelmakhovich”); Vaskiv Mykola Stepanovych – doctor of philological sciences, professor, senior researcher of the department of Ukrainian philology and educational technologies of Taras Shevchenko National Research Institute of KNU (“Fiction about the modern war in the educational process”); Lappo Violetta Valeryivna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kolomyia Educational and Scientific Institute of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (“Preparation of future teachers for the integration of calendar rituals into the educational practice of the National Academy of Sciences”); Tetiana Anatoliivna Bevz – professor, doctor of historical sciences, senior researcher of the department of Ukrainian philology and educational technologies of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (“The role of education in the formation of a leadership nation: strategies and practical aspects”) and others.

The moderator of the conference was Lydia Lyubomirivna Maksymyak – candidate of sciences in public administration, methodologist of the laboratory of pedagogical experience and ethnopedagogy of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, who at the plenary session presented her report on the topic “Updating the scientific ethnopedagogical heritage of Myroslav Stelmakhovich in the light of the reform of the New of the Ukrainian school”, and at the sectional – “Jubilee silhouette for the 80th birthday. Pages of the fascinating artistic and pedagogical heritage of Mykhailo Slyvotskyi. A student’s memory of the Teacher”.

The participants raised topical issues, the reports were informative and interesting. Summarizing the work of the online conference ended with a pleasant moment – listening to the song of Kostiantyn Ognevoi “On the viburnum, my mother swayed me” performed by Mykhailo Slyvotskyi. We would like to thank the Laboratory of Pedagogical Experience and Ethnopedagogy of the Ivano-Frankivsk OIPPO not only for the opportunity to be a participant in the conference, but also for its co-organizers. We wish success to all involved and hope for further cooperation under the peaceful skies of Ukraine.