Soon, on October 27, we will celebrate the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. Today, October 17, a meeting was held between the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Ukrainian language department, Valentyna Vasylivna Greshchuk, and students of the 9th grade of Lyceum No. 2 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. Valentyna Vasylivna introduced the ninth-graders to the collection “We will meet where there will be no war…”, told about the warrior-villager Roman Chervak, to whom she dedicated one of her poems and whose portrait is depicted on the cover of the collection. All those present had the opportunity to enjoy poetry from the author’s lips and watch a video about the collection “We will meet where there will be no war…”. Valentyna Vasylivna emphasized that the word is our weapon, which strengthens the spirit, unites people and brings us closer to the dreamed Victory. In addition, she eagerly invited secondary school students to enroll in the Faculty of Philology of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
The meeting was attended by Solomiya Rybchak, a leading specialist of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, who introduced the students to the Institute, spoke about its activities, main areas of work, publications, and future prospects. She emphasized that the activities of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies are extremely relevant in today’s conditions, since the main work is aimed at disseminating knowledge about Ukraine, its people, history, statehood, language, culture, etc.
Under the leadership of Valentyna Vasylivna, the master’s students also held a career orientation event, familiarizing secondary school students with the prospects of studying at the Faculty of Philology of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Student Fayfruk Liliya, who works as a teacher in the 9th grade of this lyceum, helped in the preparation and holding of the meeting. Some students gladly joined the event, reciting poems from the collection of Valentina Vasylivna.
Students Moroz Maria (UMLso-41 group) and Petryshyn Ulyana (UMLso-31 group) movedly read poems by Valentina Vasylivna, who expressed a desire to take part in the event and honor their native word on the Day of Writing and Language.
We hope that this meeting interested ninth-graders and made them think about choosing a future profession. Let us respect and popularize the Ukrainian word, because it reflects the deepest feelings of the people, is spiritual support and a reminder of what the struggle is for.