On October 23, on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, a guest online lecture “Patriotic Education of Secondary and Higher Education Students Using Poetic Texts” was held by Valentyna Greshchuk, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language. The meeting was organized by the Department of Ukrainian Language of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University. The moderator was Inna Berkyshchuk, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University. The lecture was attended not only by students of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, but also by all those who wished to attend.
The topic of the guest lecture “Patriotic education of secondary and higher education students using poetic texts” is extremely relevant in today’s conditions, because patriotic education contributes to the formation of national consciousness of secondary and higher education students, strengthening moral and cultural values, and fostering a sense of responsibility for the fate of one’s country. Poetic texts from the collection of Valentina Vasylivna “We will meet where there will be no war…”, which was taken as the basis of the guest lecture, inspire young people to take an active civic position and motivate them to action.
At the beginning of the guest lecture, Valentina Vasylivna outlined the concept of patriotism for all those present, emphasizing that in today’s realities, it is very important for teachers in the educational process to focus on the formation of a sense of pride for their country, respect for the warrior-defender, and love for the language in secondary and higher education students. The audience of the lecture had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the poetic collection of Valentyna Vasylivna “We will meet where there will be no war…”, to plunge into the world of poetry, which was read by the author herself. Attention was focused on the methodological value of the collection, because all the poetic texts are used by students in classes on “Stylistics and Culture of the Ukrainian Language” and “Methods of Studying the Ukrainian Language” as illustrative material.
Valentyna Vasylivna willingly told those present about the work of students at the Faculty of Philology, who use her poetry in videos, various events dedicated to the International Mother Language Day, the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer, as well as career guidance work. Students of the lyceums of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk and the Ripno Lyceum of the Dubivsk Village Council of the Ivano-Frankivsk region also actively use Valentyna Vasylivna’s poetic texts.
The participants of the guest lecture listened with pleasure to Valentyna Vasylivna’s story about her activities in the columns of the newspaper “Osvityanske Slovo”, where her poems for Teacher’s Day and International Mother Language Day were published; participation in the poetic marathon “Our Muses Are Not Silent! Together to Victory”; poetic meetings with students of the Faculty of Philology and leading specialists of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies based on the lyceums of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Valentyna Vasylivna spoke about recent events, in particular, the action within the framework of the All-Ukrainian tour “Embroidery – a Charm for a Warrior”, which took place in the Ivan Franko Regional Universal Scientific Library.
During the lecture, Valentyna Vasylivna emphasized the importance of the poetic word, which is our weapon against the enemy, raises the national spirit, strengthens faith in a better future.
The lecture was joined by a student of the Faculty of Philology, UMLso-31 group, Petryshyn Ulyana, who insightfully read Valentyna Vasylivna’s poem “I am proud of you”.
We thank the Department of Ukrainian Language of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University for organizing a guest lecture and our defenders for the opportunity to continue to popularize the Ukrainian word. We hope that the next meeting will be held live under the peaceful Ukrainian sky.
Information about this event can be found on the website of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University by vocation.