On November 1, Valentyna Vasylivna Greshchuk, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, was invited to the radio “Dzvony”. In the program “Krynytsia Slova” Valentyna Vasylivna spoke about important and topical issues: the heroism of our soldiers, love for the native word, native land, patriotic education of youth through poetic text. Valentyna Vasylivna noted that she took part in many International, All-Ukrainian conferences, where she presented her scientific research. With great pleasure, the Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies also read her poems about the language, about the exploits of our defenders, about the struggle of the Ukrainian people. “We hope that the next collection of your poems will be released very soon and we will continue the conversation with you again,” said Maria Solodchuk, host and editor of Dzvony radio.
Conversation on the radio “Dzvony”