As part of the project “Preparing for Practice”, organized by the Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language Valentyna Greshchuk, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology are actively preparing for their production teaching and educational practice at the Ukrainian Language and Literature Center.
Traditionally, in classes on “Methodology of Teaching the Ukrainian Language”, undergraduate students of specialties 014 Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) and 035 Philology (Ukrainian Language and Literature) independently organize and model various types of lessons, in which they demonstrate all their professional competencies, practical skills and abilities acquired during the academic semester.
On November 19, the UMLso-31 group held a lesson on the topic “Idioms”, aimed at students in grades 8-9 in the format of a game between teams. The lesson took place in the form of a competition: participants tested their knowledge by finding the meaning of idioms and using them in context. Interactive tasks and teamwork helped students not only learn the material, but also have fun. At the invitation of Valentyna Vasylivna, teachers of Ukrainian language and literature from the Krykhivetsky Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council came to the lesson: Kolodiy Diana Vasylivna, a master’s student of the Faculty of Philology (group UMLfz-21m) and Hopta Oleh Mykolayovych, a master’s student of the Faculty of Philology (group UMLso-21m), who shared their experience of working at the school, talked about methods of assessing students, organizing lessons, and gave advice that will be useful to students during their internship.
On November 18, the UMLf-31 group modeled a lesson for 5th grade students on the topic “Characteristics of consonant sounds. Consonant sounds: voiced and voiceless” (Tetyana Pidleteichuk acted as the teacher). During the lesson, students skillfully used interactive games and developed creative exercises that helped to better understand the sound system of the Ukrainian language. The lesson turned out to be very interesting and effective, since interactive work between the teacher and students was used. The invited guest was Olga Andriivna Perevalova, a teacher at Lyceum No. 10 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, a master’s student at the Faculty of Philology (UMLso-21m group), who spoke in detail about the educational process, namely: student assessment, the use of innovative methods, the specifics of learning at the National School of Ukrainian Language and Literature, the main aspects of homework, the use of dictionaries in Ukrainian language lessons, as well as the adaptation of students in the 5th grade after primary school.
On November 13, students of the UMLf-32 group acted as organizers of extracurricular activities (competitions, electives, group work). The undergraduates proved their readiness for production teaching and educational pedagogical practice, as they demonstrated knowledge and pedagogical skills in developing a lesson plan, interactive exercises and tasks. The class was attended by Solomiya Vitaliivna Rybchak, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology, a leading specialist of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, who gave students practical advice based on her own experience of completing the practice during her undergraduate and graduate studies.