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Director of the Educational and scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies,
Valentyna Greshchuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5702-6824 Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-8090-2019 |
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Valentyna Greshchuk was born on March 11th, 1965 in Ripne village, Rozhniativ district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. She graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk, majoring in the Ukrainian language and literature (1986). After graduation, she worked as a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, an assistant, a senior teacher, now she works as an associate professor of the Ukrainian language department (in 2012 was awarded the associate professor’s title). Since September 2014 Valentyna Greshchuk has been a head of the educational-scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Valentyna Greshchuk is an author of the monographs “Southwestern Dialects in the Ukrainian Artistic Language” (2010), “Dialect Word in Text and Dictionary” (Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2015. – 372 p.) (Co-authored with Vasyl Greshchuk), an author of collective monographs “Aktualne problemy Językoznawstwa słowiańskiego” (Siedlce. 2012 – 276 p.); “Tendencies in the Development of Ukrainian Vocabulary and Grammar” (Warsaw – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015 – 484 p.), an author of a series of articles on Hutsul dialect in the language of Ukrainian fiction, textbook “Stylistics of the Ukrainian Language. A Short Glossary of Terms ”(2012). Valentyna Greshchuk is a co-author of the dictionary “Hutsul Dialectical Vocabulary and Phrasemics in Ukrainian Art Language” (Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2019. – Vol. 1 – 584 p.).
Research interests: the problems of Ukrainian dialectology, stylistics of the Ukrainian language, lexicography, onomastics and methods of teaching the Ukrainian language at schools and higher educational institutions.
[/tab] [tab title=”Publications” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]1. Greshchuk V. Dialect vocabulary in M. Dochynets’ novel “The Highlander”. Ukrainian Studies [ch. ed. V. Greshchuk]. Ivano-Frankivsk: 2019. № 20, 129-141.
2. Hutsulska dialektna leksyka ta frazemika v ukrainskii khudozhnii movi [Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language]. Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Editor-in-Chief Vasyl Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Misto-NV, 2020. Vol.2. 468 p. (materials for dictionary articles were prepared by Valentina Greshchuk (letters H, G, N, T, U, Yu)) [in Ukrainian].
3. Greshchuk Vasyl, Greshchuk Valentyna. Slovnyk “Hutsulska dialektna leksyka ta frazemika v ukrainskii khudozhnii movi” yak dzherelo vyvchennia rehionalnykh idiom [Dictionary “Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language” as a source of study of regional idioms]. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Philology. In honor of Mr. Philol. Sciences, Prof. V.M. Mokienko, Honorary Chairman of the Commission on Slavic Phraseology at the International Committee of Slavists (to the 80th anniversary of his birth) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; State higher textbook institution “Uzhgorod nat. University”, Philological Faculty; [Editor: M. Nomachi (editor in chief), N. Venzhynovych (chairman of the editorial board), G. Shumytska (editor in chief), etc.]. Uzhhorod: PE Danilo SI, 2020. Issue. 1 (43) [in Ukrainian].
4. Greshchuk Vasyl, Greshchuk Valentyna. Botanichna leksyka v slovnyku “Hutsulska dialektna leksyka ta frazemika v ukrainskii khudozhnii movi” [Botanical vocabulary in the dictionary “Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language”]. Ethnos and culture. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: a collection of scientific and theoretical articles. Humanities / head. ed. V. Kononenko. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2019–2020. № 16–17 [in Ukrainian].
5. Greshchuk Vasyl, Greshchuk Valentyna. Hutsulski dialektni odynytsi v poetychnii zbirtsi “Zgardy” Vlasty Vlasenko [Hutsul dialect units in Vlasta Vlasenko’s poetry collection Zgarda]. To the depths of the essence of language: science. work in honor of prof. Mykola Lesyuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2020. pp. 109-117 [in Ukrainian].
6. Greshchuk Valentyna. Vyrobnycha navchalno-vykhovna pedahohichna praktyka. Metodychni rekomendatsii do provedennia vyrobnychoi navchalno-vykhovnoi pedahohichnoi praktyky [Industrial educational pedagogical practice.Methodical recommendations for conducting industrial educational pedagogical practice]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Goliney Publishing House, 2020. 78 p [in Ukrainian].
7. Greshchuk V. Metodychni rekomendatsii do provedennia samootsiniuvannia studentiv OR bakalavra ta mahistra spetsialnostei «035 Filolohiia 035.01 Ukrainska mova i literatura», «014 Serednia osvita 014.01 Ukrainska mova i literatura» dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia [Methodical recommendations for self-assessment of bachelor’s and master’s degree students majoring in “035 Philology 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, “014 Secondary education 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature” full-time and part-time] / compilers: Kudelnytska L., Shkoruta H. Ivano-Frankivsk: Goliney Publishing House, 2021. 40 p [in Ukrainian].
8. Greshchuk V., Greshchuk V. Epitetna kharakterystyka personazhiv u novelakh Vasylia Stefanyka [Epithet characterization of characters in short stories by Vasyl Stefanyk]. Vasyl Stefanyk in research and memoirs / order. S. Khorob. Ivano-Frankivsk: Misto-NV, 2021. P. 332-341 [in Ukrainian].
9. Greshchuk V., Dranitsyna N. Uprovadzhennia novoho pravopysu u sferu osvity ta kultury [Introduction of a new spelling in the sphere of education and culture]. Educational horizons. Volume 52, № 1 (2021). Pp. 90-95 [in Ukrainian].
10. Greshchuk V., Shkoruta H. Strukturno-slovotvirna kharakterystyka mikrotoponimiv sela Pidpechery Tysmenytskoho raionu Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti [Structural and word-forming characteristics of microtoponyms of the village of Pidpechery, Tysmenytsia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region]. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Philology. 1 (45), 2021. pp. 196-201 [in Ukrainian].
11. Greshchuk V.V., Greshchuk V.V. Hutsulska movna kartyna svitu kriz pryzmu ukrainskoi khudozhnoi movy [Hutsul linguistic picture of the world through the prism of the Ukrainian artistic language]. Native word in the ethnocultural dimension: collection of scientific works / Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Drohobych: Posvit, 2021. P. 22-32 [in Ukrainian].
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- Stylistics of the Ukrainian language
- Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language at school
- Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in higher education
- Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature in educational institutions of different levels of accreditation
- Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in higher education institutions
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E-mail: valentyna.greshchuk@pnu.edu.ua
room 102 (educational and laboratory building)
Tel: (0342) 59-60-02
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