Young scientists

We sum up, reveal talents and show results! The philologists of 4th year of studying used all their creativity and imagination in preparation for the final lesson in the discipline “Stylistics and Culture of the Ukrainian Language”, which was conducted Читати далі

Continuing career guidance work

On Friday, December 3, on the initiative of the director of our Institute, a meeting was held with future entrants, students of the Shevchenko Lyceum of Vyhoda village council. The organizer of career guidance work was Master Diana Tysyak, who Читати далі

Our scientific achievements

In April, the director of our Institute together with a leading specialist Hanna Shkoruta took part in the All-Ukrainian onomastic conference, which resulted in a joint publication “Structural and word-forming characteristics of microtoponyms of Pidpechery village, Tysmenytsia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region” Читати далі