On the occasion of the Science Day, a philological discussion was held under the slogan “Science unites” at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism of Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko.

Speakers were teachers-scientists of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University – doctor of philological sciences, professor Vasyl Greshchuk and director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Department of General and German Linguistics Valentina Greshchuk.

The meeting was attended by scientific and pedagogical workers and students of higher education of the Institute of Higher Education of the Federal University of Applied Sciences.

The concept of the philological conversation was to discuss current issues of Ukrainian language research.

Vasyl Vasyliovych and Valentina Vasylivna familiarized the audience with their scientific achievements, as well as highlighted the directions of scientific research in modern linguistics, outlined the active historical processes that led to the emergence of new lexical units.

The participants of the philological conversation discussed the problems and prospects of the development of linguistics, the return of the fashion for dialects to the Ukrainian language, etc.

The issue of involving students in scientific research, applying a research approach in education, aimed at providing students with the experience of independently searching for new knowledge and using it, for the formation of new cognitive values, was not overlooked either, because the scientific work of students is the first step towards the formation of a high-quality scientific potential of the national education system.

At the end of the meeting, teachers and students of both universities shared the results of scientific achievements and impressions of scientific activities.

The scientific event reminded once again about the vast field for scientific activity in the field of linguistics.

Vasyl Hreshchuk presented a gift of books to the K-PNU library and to the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Ukrainian Language.

We hope for further cooperation!