“Ukrainian Studies” is a scientific and theoretical journal of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies
at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Founded in September 1998.
Published once a year.
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The appearance of this publication was a continuation of the tradition of researching Ukrainian studies problems at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The magazine publishes articles covering current issues of spiritual values of the Ukrainian people, the language situation in Galicia, the literary process in Western Ukraine, national education and schooling, ethnic structure and natural movement of the Ukrainian Carpathians, cultural heritage of Ukraine. The initiator of the foundation and editor-in-chief of the publication is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Vasyl Greshchuk. The pages of the journal “Ukrainian Studies” published articles by scientists from the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University and other educational institutions. The journal is intended for philologists, historians, ethnographers, jurists, teachers, psychologists, culturologists and everyone for whom Ukrainian studies problems are of scientific interest.
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Ivan Franko and the progress of modern linguistics / Yaroslav Yaremko, Natalia Luzhetska. Lviv: Apriori Publishing House, 2021. 432 p. The book highlights the linguistic innovation of Ivan Franko, a terminologist and term creator, whose linguocognitological ideas were centuries ahead of the contemporary Ukrainian (and not only) linguistic thought and created a methodological basis for the emergence of modern interdisciplinary sciences: Ukrainian linguistic political science, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, communication theory. For linguists, teachers, graduate students, students, teachers and those readers who are interested in the problems of Franko’s anthropological terminology and linguistic. |
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Methodical recommendations for self-assessment of bachelor’s and master’s degree students majoring in “035 Philology 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, “014 Secondary education 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature” full-time and part-time / compilers: Kudelnytska L, Shkoruta G. Ivano-Frankivsk: Goliney Publishing House, 2021. 40 p.
Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language. Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Editor-in-Chief Vasyl Hreshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2019. Vol.1. 584 s. Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language. Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Editor-in-Chief Vasyl Hreshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2020. Vol.2. 468 s. (materials for dictionary articles prepared by Valentyna Greshchuk (letters Г, Ґ, Н, Т, У, Ю)) “Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian literary language” is the first dictionary in which the dialect vocabulary and phrasemics of one language (Hutsul), mastered in the language of Ukrainian fiction, are lexicographically processed. The dictionary articles characterize the meaning of more than 7.5 thousand Hutsul dialects, not taking into account phonetic variants, illustrate their use by each author in their literary texts with certification, their figurative use is noted. For linguists, teachers, graduate students, students of philological specialties, teachers, writers, local historians, publishers and all those who are in love with the original folk word.
Reviews of the dictionary “Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language“: 1. Kononenko V. Dialect element in Ukrainian literary texts. Review of: Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language: Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Editor-in-Chief Vasyl Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk. Vol. 1. 2019. Vol. 2. 2020. Ukrainian language, 2021, 1 (77): P. 116–121. Read the full review by link: https://iul-nasu.org.ua/pdf/ukrmova/1_21/11.pdf
2. Zagnitko A. Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language. Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Editor-in-Chief Vasyl Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2019. Vol.1. 584 s. Vol.2. 468 s. Slavic Studies XXV / 1 (2021). Pp. 340-352. Read the full review by link: http://casopis.slavistickodrustvo.org.rs/?p=15769
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Greshchuk Valentyna. Methodical recommendations for industrial educational pedagogical practice (in middle classes) for 3rd year students of the bachelor’s specialties “035 Philology 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, “014 Secondary education 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature” full-time and part-time education. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 77 p. Methodical recommendations for the production of educational pedagogical practice are devoted to the coverage of topical issues faced by students during the internship. The guidelines clearly define and describe in detail the requirements for the preparation and conduct of lessons in the Ukrainian language and literature, educational and extracurricular activities. Methodical development is performed in accordance with the current curriculum, the material is available to students. Attention is focused on the study of pedagogical experience of teachers. The practical significance of the work also lies in the description of forms and methods of control of pedagogical practice, criteria for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of student interns. On the positive side, it contains valuable appendices (psychological and pedagogical diary of a student trainee, journal of student trainees, approximate scheme of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team, scheme of analysis of educational and extracurricular activities) serve as an auxiliary base for trainees.
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Greshchuk Vasyl: bibliographic index (to the 70th anniversary of his birth) / edited. Valentina Greshchuk, Olga Blinchuk. Resp. ed. Mykhailo Bigusyak. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2019. 64 p. + il. (Series “Scientists of Prykarpattia National University”). The bibliographic index includes scientific studies and other works of Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Vasyl Hreschuk. The titles of works and their bibliographic description are given in the language of publications of the material.
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Greshchuk Vasyl, Greshchuk Valentyna. Methodical recommendations for conducting dialectological practice for students of the Faculty of Philology, specialties “035 Philology 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, “014 Secondary education 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. 20 p. Methodical recommendations for conducting dialectological practice for students of the Faculty of Philology, specialties “035 Philology 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, “014 Secondary education 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature”, prepared by Professor Vasyl Greshchuk and associate professor Valentyna Greshchuk.
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Vasyl Greshchuk, Valentyna Greshchuk. Dialect word in the text and dictionary: monograph. – Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2015. – 372 p. The monograph examines the functions of dialectisms in the literary text, reveals the typology of connections between territorial dialects and artistic language, which is based on the specifics of the use of dialect units in the language of fiction, highlights the use of multilevel dialectisms in fiction texts. representative groups of Hutsul dialect vocabulary in fiction and kolomyyky. The concept and principles of compiling the dictionary “Hutsul dialect vocabulary in the Ukrainian artistic language”, elaboration of the semantics of the dialect word, phrasemics, onymic vocabulary are presented. For linguists, teachers, graduate students and teachers.
Miroslav Gaborak. Toponymy of Pokuttya: Etymological dictionary-reference book / M. Gaborak. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2013. 932 p. |
Valentyna Greshchuk. Stylistics of the Ukrainian language. Short glossary of terms. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. The dictionary gives the main terms of the stylistics of the Ukrainian language, reveals their meaning, indicates the origin and provides relevant illustrative material. The dictionary is designed for students of philology, teachers of the Ukrainian language, students of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.
Gaborak Miroslav. Toponymy of the Galician Hutsul region. Etymological dictionary-reference book. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2011. 656 p. |
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Vasyl Greshchuk, Valentyna Greshchuk. South-western dialects in the Ukrainian artistic language. Sketch. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2010. 309 p. The book covers the use of Hutsul, Pokut, Boyko and Lemko dialects in the language of Ukrainian fiction of the XIX-XX centuries. The phonetic, morphological, lexical and phraseological dialectal features of these dialects, attested in artistic texts, are analyzed, the peculiarities of the use of multilevel dialectisms in the author’s language and the language of the characters are characterized. For linguists, teachers, graduate students, students and teachers.
Gaborak Miroslav. Hydronymy of Ivano-Frankivsk region: Etymological dictionary-reference book. The second edition, supplemented, revised, clarified. – Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2010. 564 p.
Roman Pikhmanets. “In his kingdom …”. Snyatyn: PrutPrint, 2010. 252 p. |
Vasyl Greshchuk. Studies in Ukrainian Linguistics: Selected Works / Emphasis. R. Bachkur. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2009. 520 p. The book contains articles by Vasyl Greshchuk, which were published in domestic and foreign scientific journals, collections and other publications. They are devoted to theoretical problems of word formation, linguistic principles of formation of basic-centric derivatology, characteristics of separate segments of word-forming system of Ukrainian language, interaction of literary language and territorial dialects, language of fiction, language situation in Galicia. XVIII-XIX centuries. and in modern Ukraine. For linguists, teachers, graduate students, students and teachers.
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Correspondence of Ivan Franko and Baudouin de Courtenay / [translation of Baudouin de Courtenay’s letters, preparation for printing, introductory article and notes by Vasyl Greshchuk]. Ivano-Frankivsk Play, 2008. 92 p. This edition contains published letters by Ivan Franko to Baudouin de Courtenay and letters by Baudouin de Courtenay to Ivan Franko, which are being published for the first time. They contain important materials to characterize not only the creative relationships and scientific contacts of these two geniuses, but also the socio-political, scientific, cultural, creative life in the Slavic and European world of the late XIX – early XX centuries. XX century For scientists, teachers, students, teachers and a wide range of readers.
Vasyl Greshchuk, Roman Bachkur, Iryna Dzhochka, Natalia Poslavska. Essays on basic centric derivatology / Ed. Vasily Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2007. 348 p. The monograph highlights the theoretical foundations of basic centric derivatology, describes noun (names of animals and plants), adjective, verb (verbs of specific physical action) word formation in the modern Ukrainian language. The study contains new theoretical provisions on the structural and systemic organization of word formation and features of the realization of word formation ability in different parts of speech. For linguists, teachers, graduate students and students of philological faculties.
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Kovalyk Ivan. The doctrine of word formation. Selected works / Compiler and author of the foreword Vasyl Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk – Lviv: City of NV, 2007. 404 p.
Gaborak M. Names of mountains of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Dictionary-reference. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2005. 352 p.
Ivan Mohylnytsky. Information about the Russian language / Preparation for printing, introductory article and notes by Vasyl Hreshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2003. 132 p.
Ivan Mohylnytsky’s work is the first Ukrainian linguistic exploration in Galicia, not properly appreciated to this day, although it played an important role in defending the identity of the Ukrainian language and equality with other Slavic languages, in defending the rights of the native language, in the struggle to expand its social functions. and in the formation of our literary language on a vernacular basis. For linguists-researchers, teachers, students, teachers and everyone who cares about the fate of the native language. |
Actual problems of Ukrainian word formation / Ed. Vasyl Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2002. 669 p.
The collection deals with issues of Ukrainian word formation, in particular the semantic-word-forming and functional structure of derived words, the structure and semantics of complex units of word formation, word formation in terminology, onomastics and literary text, theory and history of word formation. New approaches to the study of word formation are proposed, new large material is introduced into scientific circulation, the prospects of research of word formation of the Ukrainian language are outlined. For linguists, researchers, teachers, students, teachers and anyone interested in Ukrainian word formation.
Ukrainian Studies: documents, materials, rarities / Compilers: Vasyl Greshchuk, Roman Pikhmanets. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 1999. 480 p.
The book contains rare Ukrainian studies publications from inaccessible publications, which have long become a bibliographic rarity, because printed in limited editions, often outside of Ukraine, archival materials from recently closed funds, manuscripts. For scientists, teachers, students, anyone interested in Ukrainian studies.
о. Prof. Dr. Isidor Nagaevsky. History of the Roman Ecumenical Bishops: Part IV. Lviv: Misioner, 1999. 332 с.
In the work, the author was able to present a thorough and comprehensive analysis of various periods of the Church, associated with its highest leaders, followers of the Supreme Apostle Paul for twenty centuries in connection with important events of the Ukrainian Church and people.
Yevhen Zhelekhivsky in the national and cultural birth of Ukraine / V. Greshchuk, M. Lesyuk L. Nevidomska and others; for general ed. V. Greshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 1999. 150 p.
The book covers the diverse activities of Yevhen Zhelekhivsky in the national and cultural revival of Ukraine. XIX century Particular attention is paid to the awareness of scholars of the role of the native language in the spiritual revival of the people, the importance of the “Little Russian-German Dictionary” in the history of Ukrainian lexicography. For linguists-researchers, teachers, students, teachers and everyone who cares about the fate of the native language.
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Vasyl Greshchuk. Ukrainian adjective word formation. Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing House “Play” Precarpathian University of V. Stefanyk, 1995.
The monograph implements a basic-centric approach to word formation, examines the theoretical problems of basic centric derivatology, analyzes in detail adjectives as a creative base in the modern Ukrainian language, identifies the factors that determine the word-forming ability of different classes of creative adjectives. For linguists, teachers, graduate students and students of philological faculties, teachers.