The third volume of the anthology of online texts “The word hardened by war” was published, which contains poetic texts written during the war. The anthology once again proves that the word is a powerful weapon in the hands of the author.

In this volume, the poems of Valentina Vasylivna Greshchuk, director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, are published. Thirteen poems by the author were included in the anthology:
“And the summer tells me: I’m already leaving”
“I string it into a necklace day after day”
“Yellow October turns yellow yellow”
“Autumn witch is knocking on the windows”
“Today summer returned to visit”
“Draw me a sun in a peaceful blue sky”
“How do you fight, soldier”
“I have the best name in the world – Ukraine”
“And I can already smell Victory”
“How are you, son of Ukraine”
“You remember how it was before the war”
“And he took the weapon in his hands and left”
“Endure, get over, get over”