Final chords of the practice

The last days of practice for third-year students under the guidance of the director of our Institute, Valentina Greschuk, are very busy. The interns took another important step towards a successful pedagogical future, and were once again convinced that the teaching profession is the right choice in their lives. The students note that the internship left behind a sea of ​​good impressions and positive emotions, and they also carry out career guidance work, urging future applicants to enter the Faculty of Philology of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Solomiya Yaremko conducted her first open online lesson in the Ukrainian language in the 8th grade on the topic: “Separated and clarifying clauses”. Maryana Lyulchak also conducted an online lesson on the Ukrainian language for high school students of the Vilkhiv gymnasium of the Dubiv village council of the Ivano-Frankivsk region on the topic “Pronoun: the meaning of the pronoun, its morphological features and syntactic role.” The students expressed their gratitude for the methodical support and useful advice and noted the activity and diligence of their students in class.

Olga Perevalova, together with her colleagues Yulia Goreeva and Yaryna Oshytko, held a career orientation event for high school students at Lyceum No. 10 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. The philologists told the applicants about the interesting study at the Faculty of Philology, its advantages, and also showed a presentation about the bright and rich student life. Students listened with interest about studies and what awaits them if they join the student philological family. The bachelors also left a call to the website of the faculty, where applicants can learn more about everything that interests them, and noted that it was extremely interesting to meet their younger colleagues and share their own impressions of studying.

Nazar Zapotochniy, together with fellow interns, held a career orientation event for eleventh-graders at Lyceum No. 7 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. “We would like to thank the class teacher of the 11th grade, Olga Yuryivna Shpakovich, for the fact that during these years of study she was able to instill in them a love for the Motherland, the Ukrainian language and literature. We talked about the peculiarities of studying at our faculty. The eleventh graders got acquainted with information about the advantages and unique opportunities of the Faculty of Philology. We also told them about the intricacies of studying at our faculty, they were able to see photos from our rich, interesting, student life. We introduced the graduates to our electronic resources, where they can learn more about our Faculty and about studying at it in general. We hope , our information will help in choosing the applicant’s future profession!” – Nazar shares his impressions.

We congratulate the future philologists on the successful completion of their practice and wish them even more inspiration, conscientious work and creative success!