The project is being prepared for practice

At the Faculty of Philology, students are being trained for educational and pedagogical practice in general education institutions. The Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of General and German Linguistics Greshchuk Valentyna Vasylivna organized the educational project “Getting ready for practice” with students of the 3rd year of the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) and 035 Philology (Ukrainian Language and Literature). Third-year students tried their hand at organizing and conducting a lesson on the Ukrainian language in order to test and improve their knowledge and skills.

The students of the UMLf-31 group conducted a lesson devoted to the meaning of proverbs, aphorisms, apt sayings about the role of language in the life of society. The guests came to the class: the master of the Faculty of Philology, specialty 014.01 Secondary Education (Ukrainian language and literature) and the master of Sonchak Nina Volodymyrivna, who already works as a teacher. Senior colleagues expressed their positive impressions of the lesson and gave professional recommendations.

A lesson in the form of a quiz on the topic “Let’s improve the nightingale!” prepared and conducted by students of the UMLso-31 group. The quiz consisted of six contests, one of which involved the use of educational technologies. The event was attended by masters who work by profession: Marta Vasylivna Khomenets (leading specialist of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies) and Tyminska Vasylyna Mykhaylivna (works as a teacher at the Delyatyn Lyceum No. 2). They sincerely shared their own experience and gave a methodical assessment of the lesson. Handkerchiefs were the decoration of the event, because the students joined the All-Ukrainian flash mob for the Day of the Ukrainian Handkerchief.

The original flipped lesson was conducted by students of the UMLso-32 group on the topic “Journey to the country of Imennyk”. The bachelors demonstrated an interesting class format with a combination of classroom work and online learning. During the lesson, third-year students performed creative tasks and exercises, using educational innovative technologies, recited poetry, and actively expressed their opinions regarding the prepared material. The lesson was attended by the teacher of Delyatyn Lyceum No. 2 Tyminska Vasylyna Mykhailivna and Khrystyna Hryhorivna Kotsyubka (leading specialist of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies), who appreciated the educational and educational work of the students and gave meaningful advice for improving the students’ abilities and skills.

The conducted project activities helped the students to prepare for the educational and educational industrial practice that awaits them in the future. We wish them success in their professional development.