On March 29, 2024, a meeting was held regarding the passing of industrial educational and educational pedagogical practice with students of the 3rd year of the correspondence course of the Faculty of Philology, specialty 014 Secondary education (014.01 Ukrainian language and literature). The meeting was organized and conducted by Valentina Vasylivna, head of practice, director of the educational and scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Greshchuk Valentina Vasylivna, who gave the interns instructional and methodical advice on conducting lessons on the Ukrainian language and literature, outlined the main tasks that will be presented to the students during practice and told in detail about the requirements for the documentation. Valentyna Vasylivna noted that the course “Methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language” and other educational components gave students the opportunity to acquire and form all the necessary competences that will be useful to them during the course of industrial educational and educational pedagogical practice. The head of the internship set an interesting individual task for the students, which consists in conducting career guidance work with high school students on the bases of internships. Students should acquaint future applicants with studies and specialties offered at the Faculty of Philology of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University, and interest them in becoming students of our higher educational institution.

The professional methodologist, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language Hrestchuk Vasyl Vasyliovych addressed the students with a welcome speech, who wished the students fruitful work and emphasized that practice in institutions of general secondary education is an invaluable pedagogical experience that will definitely be needed in future activities. Vasyl Vasyliovych focused attention on taking into account the realities of the present during practice, because in the conditions of war, it is necessary to take special care of the safety of life, both for oneself and for students of general secondary education.

Methodists from other departments joined the meeting and gave the students good advice. Candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor of the department of general and clinical psychology Khrushch Olena Vasylivna emphasized the importance of professional training during lessons, focused attention on an important aspect of practice – creating a psychological and pedagogical characteristic of the student and the class team, and gave advice on keeping other documentation. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk Vira Mykolaivna Kovalchuk spoke about the specifics of conducting educational and extracurricular activities, which are necessary for national and patriotic education in students of general secondary education, encouraged to pay attention to the selection of pedagogical methods, techniques and principles under study time, skillfully use them in pedagogical activities.

Student trainees had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them and thanked the methodologists for their valuable recommendations.

We wish our interns fruitful work in the field of education, enrich their pedagogical experience and develop their professional and creative potential.