On February 8-9, the II stage of the XVII International Competition in Ukrainian Studies for students of grades 8-11 of the ZZSO took place. Contest participants publicly defended their research works remotely on the Google Meet platform.

The moderator of the event – Methodist of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Experience and Ethnopedagogy of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, candidate of sciences in public administration Maksymyak Lidia Lubomyrivna addressed all those present and wished creative success and fruitful work to the contestants and members of the jury. In her welcoming speech, the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Ukrainian Studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Valentina Vasylivna Greshchuk, who was the head of the jury, emphasized the importance of holding such competitions in today’s difficult conditions, spoke about her studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University and willingly invited future applicants to get a higher education at the Carpathian University, in particular at the Faculty of Philology. A pleasant moment was the fact that everyone present had the opportunity to enjoy poetic texts from Valentina Vasylivna’s collection “We will meet where there will be no war…”.

The topics of the competition works were diverse: “Ukrainian carols and Christmas carols, long-forgotten” (M.L. Romanyuk, Stankiv Gymnasium of the Verkhnyan Village Council, Ivano-Frankivsk Region; 8th grade); “Denis Antipov: scientist, warrior, patriot” (Kit Y.M. Snyatinsky Lyceum “Intellect” of Snyatinsky City Council, Kolomyysk District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region; 8th grade); “The Holodomor of 1932-1933 and the Ukrainianness of Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia” (A.R. Dovga Small Academy of Sciences of Pupil Youth of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast; 9th grade); “Educational activities of the Ukrainian Pedagogical Association “Native School” in Stanyslav in the first half of the 20th century” (Nagornyak N.I. Separate structural unit “Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of the Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk”; 11th grade); “The role and place of the Galician woman in the history of Ukrainian state-building” (Vasylchuk S.A. Galician Lyceum named after Yaroslav Osmomysl of the Galician City Council of the Ivano-Frankivsk region; 9th grade) and others.

Public defenses of students of general secondary education were evaluated according to the following criteria: argumentation of the choice of the topic and disclosure of the provisions of the study; logic, consistency, conciseness of presentation of research materials, taking into account one’s own contribution; competence, ethics and culture; active qualified participation in discussion.

The members of the jury noted the high level of presentation of the scientific works of the students. All speeches of young researchers were characterized by interest, relevance and provoked lively discussions during the discussion.

It is gratifying that some contestants were interested in studying at the Faculty of Philology of the Precarpathian National University, in particular, Nelya Ivanivna Nagornyak (Separate structural unit “Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”; 11th grade), who prepared a paper on the topic: “Educational activity of the Ukrainian Pedagogical Society “Native School” in Stanyslav in the first half of the 20th century”. The head of the jury, Valentyna Vasylivna Greshchuk, noted that the research of the young scientist was prepared at a high level and was successfully presented and made public. Valentina Vasylivna offered the contestant to get a higher education at Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University at the Faculty of Philology, to which the student kindly responded. The next stage of the XVII International Competition in Ukrainian Studies will take place in Kyiv. We wish success and victory.

The XVII International Competition in Ukrainian Studies contributed not only to the creative rise of young scientists, but also gave an opportunity to see powerful applicants who, we hope, will eventually join our student family.

More detailed information about the competition is available on the website of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (view).